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Search results for "carbon management"

Including 6 closely related terms such as carbon sequestration, policy carbon, and carbon emission.

1 result

Dacorum Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… permitted in reducing carbon emissions both in the construction and ongoing habitation. 5. Current position of Climate Change and Emergency mitigation in the draft Local Plan 5.1 Set out below in Table One are the key elements of the future planning position in the Local Plan which, as indicated, will be augmented by a Supplementary Planning Document where greater detail can be included…

…. 5.2 Table One Climate change policy Purpose Comments/action SP Climate Change Overarching strategic policy Carbon emission targets Mitigation setting out range of measures in the Plan that contribute to climate change and emissions reductions for new development up to 2030 and net zero from 2030 may be superseded by Future Homes Standard and White Paper 2025 requirements…

… that are suited to this region and its changing climate, as well as tackling new pests and diseases in a co- ordinated, cost effective way. Work on the overall carbon dioxide reduction and carbon sequestration impact of trees in the Borough will require an external study. Trees and Woodlands are investigating an external provision of tree canopy cover survey that can provide data for carbon storage

… will have an impact on the environment and use a criteria to give a rating. The report will explore elements such as carbon emissions and the affect this will have on our net-zero targets. All SIAs will need to be sent for internal approval before the project can be approved to progress. It might be that a project will need to reconsider a greener alternative to reduce its impact on the environment…

… concurrently with SIA training. 2.5 Officer Climate Groups The main actions to combat the Climate Emergency will take place across the Council but will have a focus on the areas which either have the greatest carbon emissions outputs to reduce or the greatest potential to deliver a more sustainable future. With this in mind, one core climate group, four sub-groups and a co-ordinating group have…


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