Including 8 closely related terms such as reduce carbon, carbon reduction, and carbon accounting.
… describes Carbon Accounting before moving on to the broad principles of addressing Climate Change. It sets out a timetable for developing a revised Climate Change strategy. However, acknowledging that time is running out to further reduce carbon emissions, the appendix details a series of quick wins that we intend to investigate and implement over the coming months whilst a strategy is developed…
… ambitious targets for reducing carbon emissions. This road map and associated projects and proposals are the first step in achieving these targets. 7.2 While the quick wins will be worked on, the longer term projects will need to come back to Cabinet in the Autumn, along with a detailed carbon budget, so we can begin to understand in a detailed manner just what is needed to be done. 8.0 Future Work…
… to meet its next carbon budget to 2023. Beyond that, with the recent amendment to the Climate Change Act, the UK was the first major economy to have a target of reducing carbon dioxide emissions to net zero by 2050. 3.5 More locally, by 2019 all Gloucestershire Local Authorities had adopted a Climate Emergency Resolution in some shape or form. For Gloucester, this recognised the science…
… Tel: 396829 Appendices: 1. Quick Wins and Potential Longer-Term Projects FOR GENERAL RELEASE 1.0 Purpose of Report 1.1 This report sets out the actions the City Council, their partners and Gloucester citizens can take to achieve the objectives of the Climate Change Emergency resolution as adopted in July 2019. This committed the Council to becoming carbon neutral by 2030 and the City…
… zero city by 2050, and that officers continue the work outlined in this report to develop a Climate Change Strategy and bring this back to Cabinet for approval later in the year. (2) it supports investigating the projects contained in the ‘quick win’ section of the appendix, subject to Council agreeing to dedicate funds towards such environmental, carbon reduction or adaptation projects at its…