… Microsoft Word - April 2020 update (2) Lincoln Climate Commission April 2020 – Update on Lincoln Climate Commission Climate Declarations • University of Lincoln declared a climate emergency in May 2019 and have since been working to develop an appropriate medium and long-term carbon reduction target, including…
…. It is estimated that LCC as an organisation currently emit 0.7% of Lincolnshire’s total CO2 emissions in 2017 and are developing a Green masterplan to set out how they are going to achieve their carbon reduction ambition. Membership At the commission meeting in September 2019 the group agreed that an application process for membership onto the commission would give the group more credibility…
… A draft roadmap to net zero carbon for Lincoln by 2030 was presented to the LCC at the meeting in September 2019 and circulated for comment. The roadmap provides carbon projections for Lincoln across a range of sources, domestic gas, domestic electricity, minor roads etc. The roadmap identifies gaps in the projected emissions towards net carbon zero between 2020 and 2030 (primarily based on Gov’t…