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Search results for "carbon management"

Including 11 closely related terms such as management, manage, and reduce carbon.

1 result

Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council

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… S trategy (M ay 2020) 2 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.1.1 Limiting future climate change is regarded internationally as the single most serious issue faced by society. Reducing carbon emissions is considered critical to addressing the issue and in the UK, and Wales in particular, there is already much activity aimed at reducing fossil fuel usage. 1.1.2 Reducing carbon emissions

…, alongside increasing carbon sequestration (i.e. the long term storage of carbon in ‘sinks’ such as plants and soils), is considered critical to addressing the issue. In the UK, and Wales in particular, there is already much activity aimed at reducing fossil fuel usage and there is increasing awareness and activity in the use of natural resources to draw down, and store carbon in plants, soils and wetlands…

… Farms (on and off-shore), Energy from Waste (EfW), Combined Heat and Power (CHP), Biomass, Hydro-Power and Solar technologies. 1.2.4 The role of our natural resources is equally important in addressing climate change. Carbon sequestration is the long term storage of carbon in ‘sinks’ such as plants, soils and the oceans, effectively removing this carbon from the atmosphere. Tree planting…

… the Council recognises that carbon reduction is a primary goal in the challenge to reduce greenhouse gases, the Strategy also seeks to address other greenhouse gases. 1 . Introduction N eath P ortTalbotC ouncil:D ecarbonisation and R enew able E nergy S trategy (M ay 2020) 4 1.3.2 Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council is therefore committed to doing its fair share to reduce carbon

… is developed and the sustainable outcomes are maximised as efficiently and as effectively as possible. 4.2.3 Buildings and Spaces Operational Building Portfolio - Energy/Carbon Management The Council continues to drive forward effective resource management to reduce the consumption of energy, water and carbon emissions in all of its operational building portfolio. This has been achieved through…


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