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Search results for "carbon management"

Including 5 closely related terms such as reduce carbon, reduce carbon, and carbon emission.

1 result

Bedford Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to improve efficiency and time taken to make collections, and reduce carbon emissions produced by Council vehicles. Implementing Collective (Bartec) to manage commercial and domestic customer’s account and collections. Improving the efficiency of the vehicles by not making wasted journeys. Business Development & Environmental Efficiency Team, Refuse and Recycling Operations…

… Priority 1- Demonstrating Community Leadership 1.1 Reduce energy and carbon emissions across the Councils estate Reference What we want to achieve How we will achieve it Outcomes Responsibility DCL1 Publish annual Greenhouse Gas Report Report will be completed in accordance with current guidance from Business, Energy…

…/replace 14,000 streetlights and introduce dimming and trimming profiles Reduced electricity consumption, reduced light pollution, reduced carbon footprint, lower maintenance costs Highways DCL6 Upgrade illuminated signs and bollards across the Borough Collect data on assets 2018/19 to create forward programme for replacement/ de- illumination Draft programme for asset upgrades…

… with the Biodiversity 2020 strategy Clean Safe and Green DCL37 Develop a tree management document, to promote tree planting and the protection of the existing tree stock, through consultation with relevant service areas, which will address the reduction of air pollutants, reduction of rapid run off, the provision of urban cooling and carbon sequestration. Completion of a Tree management plan…

… and delivery of actions Increased tree protection under the strategy and to work towards the added benefits of reducing air pollutants, rapid run off, provision of urban cooling and carbon sequestration Clean Safe and Green 1.10 Encourage green practices and procurement within the Council Reference What we want to achieve How we will achieve it Outcomes Responsibility DCL38 Encourage…


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