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Search results for "carbon management"

Including 4 closely related terms such as carbon reduction, carbon emission, and carbon emissions.

1 result

Derbyshire Dales District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…, cost and prioritise carbon-reduction, sequestration, offsetting, and adaptation options, with a view to the Council achieving zero net by 2030 • identify and prioritise community leadership actions to contribute to this target • amalgamate this into a Strategy and Action Plan. This document therefore comprises the strategy and action plan for moving towards net zero by 2030, giving…

… hexafluoride (SF6), and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) 7 | P a g e and domestic (178.3k tCO2/year). The cement and aggregates industries are of note for their high energy use and process carbon emissions. (These values apply to all activities within the DDDC geographical area, as distinct from the activities of the Council itself.) The area covered by the District Council is expected…

… by 2030. It will set out clear research and evidence as to what the Council’s Carbon footprint is and precisely how it is composed and assess what further actions might be taken on carbon reduction. It will also set-out what carbon off- setting/sequestration options might be locally available and incorporate climate change adaptation and resilience measures into a Strategy and practical Action Plan…

… to guide delivery. It will also set out appropriate milestones to make the Council’s activities carbon neutral by 2030. To this end, ClearLead were instructed by the Council to: • engage with the Council to understand its work on Climate Change Strategy through the cross-party Climate Change Working Group • calculate the Council’s carbon emissions and thereby its carbon footprint • identify…

… • Electricity use • Grey fleet (staff’s private vehicles used on Council business and reimbursed through expenses) The purpose of calculating the carbon footprint is: • To establish an appropriate baseline for measurement of energy use and carbon emissions, and to derive a suitable benchmark against which future emissions can be compared • To determine carbon “hotspots”, hence areas on which…


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