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Search results for "carbon management"

Including 11 closely related terms such as management, manage, and reduce carbon.

1 result

Inverclyde Council

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… by the end of the Plan period. The Council then devised a new Carbon Management Plan with a carbon reduction target of 12% by end 2016/17 using a baseline of 2011/12. The plan sought to reduce carbon emissions from the following sources: • Energy use in buildings • Energy use for street lighting • Fuel use for fleet transport • Business travel miles • Water use in buildings • Municipal waste…

… of 4,221 tonnes of carbon. • Reduced the total amount of waste sent to landfill by 18,574 tonnes. • Reduced carbon emissions from energy use in buildings by 25.4%, the equivalent of 3,499 tonnes of carbon. • Reduced electricity consumption from street lighting by 17%, over 900,000 kWh of electricity. 1.3 Implementation of previous Carbon Management Plans In attempting to achieve the carbon reduction

… the Climate Change Plan 12 Appendix 13 2 CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN 2018 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Council’s original Carbon Management Plan (2007) set a target to reduce carbon emissions from the Council’s operations by 15% by the end of financial year 2012/13, using financial year 2007/08 emissions as a baseline. This target was surpassed a year early in 2011/12, with a reduction of 15.9% achieved…

Carbon Management Plans were concerned only with mitigation through reducing the Council’s carbon emissions. This Climate Change Plan seeks to not only address carbon reduction but to also look at how the Council can adapt to current and future climate change. In terms of carbon emissions, the Climate Change Plan will continue to target the sources mentioned above. The previous Carbon Management

… role to play in the implementation of the Climate Change Plan. The Council’s original Carbon Management Plan was a step towards the Council meeting its objectives under the Scottish Climate Change Declaration 2007. It set a target to reduce carbon emissions by 15% by end of financial year 2012/13 from a 2007/08 baseline, which was surpassed in 2012. At this time, a revised Carbon Management Plan


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