Including 6 closely related terms such as reduce carbon, carbon reduction, and reduce carbon.
… timescale for delivery Headline action – Work together to share good practice, deliver carbon reduction actions and reduce carbon use to net zero by 2030 Sub-actions; Deliver carbon literacy training, or equivalent, to all levels throughout PSB partner organisations to raise awareness of the issues and the action that will be required to reduce carbon use Identify opportunities for collaborative…
… and activity A delivery plan outlining areas within the LAEP which the PSB can deliver collaboratively Outcomes: What will be achieved? What will change? Awareness of the activity required to reduce carbon emissions will be embedded throughout PSB partner organisations…
… at reducing carbon emissions through a range of actions including transformation of the local energy system. The work looks at the whole energy system considering the integration of renewable energy technologies across buildings, transport, heat, business & industry and power sectors, to drive decarbonisation and net zero and mitigate the effects of climate change which can assist in stabilising…
… a fossil fuel based energy system to a renewable based energy system. Engaging communities to become involved in activity which contributes to reducing carbon emissions will help them to become more connected to their local areas, encourage resourcefulness and, by mitigating the worst effects of climate change, lead to a safer and more stable environment for all…
… when agreeing and implementing the well-being plan Prevention: How acting to prevent problems occurring or getting worse may help public bodies meet their objectives Reducing carbon emissions mitigates the worst effects of climate change leading to a safer and more stable environment for all. It assists with stabilising ecosystems addresses the nature emergency…