Including 7 closely related terms such as carbon saving, carbon sequestration, and carbon savings.
… Report 2020-21 Introduction Carbon emissions Carbon budget Progress report - Workstream #1 Buildings and energy Progress report - Workstream #2 Travel and transport Progress report - Workstream #3 Reducing consumption based emissions…
… to ensure that we remain on track with our targeted carbon savings and stay within the available carbon budget. Whilst accurate data is not yet available for the wider city’s emissions (there is a lag in reporting from national government given the complexity of collating and assigning actual emissions to a local level), it is broadly understood that Manchester as a whole is not yet decarbonising…
… Progress report - Workstream #4 Climate Change Adaptation and Carbon Sequestration Progress report - Workstream #5 Catalysing change Introduction This report provides an overview of progress made in delivering Manchester City Council’s Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) 2020-25. All activity described in this report relates to the year…
… since been successful, and several key posts have been filled COVID-19 has impacted on almost all aspects of delivering our Climate Change Action Plan in 2020-21. Despite the challenges, significant progress has been possible in many areas, however, some delays will impact on when some carbon savings are realised. A review of when these savings are expected to be implemented is underway with the aim…