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Search results for "carbon management"

Including 9 closely related terms such as management, manage, and reduce carbon.

1 result

Ashfield District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… in the area, which can be achieved through: ▪ Establishing and understanding current emissions (carbon baseline) ▪ Setting carbon reduction targets ▪ Setting out key actions to reduce carbon emissions (Carbon Management Plan) ▪ Gathering and maintaining high quality emissions data and monitoring improvements over time ▪ Supporting decarbonisation of the District The Strategy will be reviewed…

… below 2ºC. ADC has already made significant steps in reducing carbon emissions through multiple different projects, including installing solar PV on many council owned buildings, operating smarter workingpractices in council offices, launching a Climate Change Officer Working Group to collaboratively drive reductions in carbon emissions, and assessing the impact on sustainability…

… and the environment of its decision making processes. A Carbon Management Plan is in place to analyse the trends of remaining emissions and set out actions to deliver reductions in carbon (and carbon equivalent) emissions. In conjunction with the Carbon Management Plan, this Climate Change Strategy sets out the current challenges and opportunities faced, and how meaningful change can be achieved within…

… challenge from climate change and that local action on global warming canmake a difference. In a full Council meeting on 26th September 2019 Ashfield District Council made a commitment to do everything possible to combat climate change. 1.2 THE PURPOSE OF THE CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY This Climate Change Strategy sets out a roadmap for reducing carbon emissions across Ashfield District…

… targets. More details of these actions can be found in the Carbon Management Plan. To reduce the Council’s scope 1 and 2 emissions and achieve net-zero ambitions the main priority will be the decarbonisation of heating systems in Council operated buildings and decarbonisation of the Council’s fleet. In order to reduce the Council’s scope 3 emissions it will be necessary to decarbonise the goods…


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