Including the closely related terms become carbon, literacy training, and become carbon.
… as part of their commitment to deliver Social and Environmental Value. Page 4 of 41 2.6 Training and Development That the Assistant Director (Organisational Development and Human Resources) review the definition of mandatory training for its annual programme of member and officer training and revise the same so as to include Carbon Literacy training as a mandatory element…
… partner funding or funding bids and submissions. 4.9 The proposed governance changes will help Executive committees take more informed decisions supported by the proposed Carbon Literacy training. 5. Part 1: Background Glossary 5.7 It is important in discussing the Councils and cities approach to addressing climate change that there is a clear understanding of the meaning…
… Hull and milestones over the next 10-15 years. 1.9 The 2045 net zero vision creates a clear narrative for the future of Hull and enables the Council as a business and place maker to direct investment to meet the vision and place individual projects within a wider context for the city. 1.10 The report identifies a series of additional actions required by the Council to become carbon…
…) A Strategy and Action plan to meet the commitments to full Council 5.17 Implications of the commitments for the Council are: To fully understand the Council’s and Hull’s carbon emissions across production (Scope 1 and 2) and consumption (Scope 3) emissions and for the Council to be an exemplar for the city, through aiming to become carbon neutral by 2030 with a clear route beyond…
… themes: Heat Power Mobility Fair Transition Consumption Carbon Sequestration Jobs and Skills Innovation 5.27 To support the understanding of what is required in terms of outputs for Hull to become carbon neutral by 2030, and the requirements for net zero by 2045, the Council has worked with the Carbon Trust to undertake Carbon Pathway analysis across five…