Including 4 closely related terms such as carbon projects, carbon projects, and carbon future.
… (and the District) carbon neutral by 2030. The strategy sets out how we can secure a low carbon future for our District, and the urgent steps we will take to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Most of us will have seen footage of recent extreme weather events affecting the planet, with many of these events made worse by climate change. Our district is not immune to the impacts of climate change…
… to the district: Embedding climate change thinking in everyday decision-making processes in the same way that cost effectiveness and health and safety considerations are. Increasing carbon literacy and behaviour change. Risks of flooding, overheating, wildfires and to agriculture. Conflicting ambitions of meeting renewable energy and building retrofit needs and preserving the natural…
…, to a mainstream, integrated issue which is embedded across all thought, assumptions and decisions as automatically as any long-established issue like cost effectiveness, welfare, or health and safety. Carbon literacy and behaviour change A major challenge of rising to the threat of the climate emergency will be improving the level of carbon literacy amongst the district’s residents and businesses…
…:// Forest of Dean District Council Page 15 of 68 18 January 2023 (August 2020), it will likely restrict the Council’s ability to set local policy on carbon and energy efficiency in new developments. The white paper also pushes the requirement of zero carbon development to 2050 well beyond that considered necessary in the district. Covid…
…-19 The virus has affected many aspects of how we live, shop, travel and work, with some of these changes likely to be permanent. This may in turn alter the assumptions underpinning the investment case for some low carbon projects. The pandemic has reawakened the importance given to a healthy environment and providing healthy places for community life. Unmatched ambition Whilst…