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Search results for "carbon literacy"

Including the closely related term carbon future.

1 result

Orkney Islands Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… as with wider stakeholders, collaborators and suppliers, it is possible for Orkney to transition to a low carbon future that meets the demands of all users without such significant reliance on costly and polluting fossil fuels. Innovation needs to continue to be fostered to allow mass uptake of low carbon technologies, including hydrogen technologies, into every household with a view to reducing wide…

… of the uncertainty around the applications that will be required in transition to a low carbon future for decades. The decisions that we make now regarding the future of our energy supply have the potential to positively shape the vibrancy of the economy in Orkney and correct the course of the aging population demographic. Determining best-fit energy systems can provide a means of delivering clean…

…, as well as with wider stakeholders, collaborators and suppliers, it is possible for Orkney to invent a low carbon future that meets the demands of all users without such significant reliance on costly and polluting fossil fuels. Innovation needs to continue to be fostered to allow mass uptake of low carbon technologies into every household with a view to reducing wide reaching issues such as fuel…

…. Mission Hydrogen is fast becoming a key energy resource in the world transition to a low carbon future. The Orkney Hydrogen Strategy seeks to aid development towards an Orkney appropriate sustainable hydrogen economy to provide economic benefits such as: local jobs; establishing a local supply chain; and an increased resilience in the local energy system. Orkney will maintain its leading edge…

… hydrogen to other ‘islanded’ communities where there is ambition to transition to a low carbon future. Integrating hydrogen to Orkney’s energy system has the potential to reduce reliance on carbon intensive costly fossil fuels and measures should be considered as to how the low carbon transition can reduce energy costs and contribute to access to energy at fairer cost to reduce high levels of fuel…


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