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Search results for "carbon literacy"

Including the closely related terms carbon future, and carbon saving.

1 result

Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… that we are facing now must a pivotal moment in our transition to a low carbon future. The Climate Emergency is as real as it was before the pandemic and climate change remains the chal- lenge of our generation. It is clear from the scientific evidence that the impacts of climate change are stark and accelerating in severity. These systemic climate shocks are expected to have similarly profound…

…. PROGRESS UPDATE - To date, 170 energy audits have been carried out across the project, with 44 audits within the city of Newcastle Upon Tyne. 7 Newcastle businesses have received grant awards to carry out energy efficiency im-provements with a combined annual carbon saving of 110 tonnes. - Delivering audits up to Dec 2021. Project extension approved to June 2022 requested from MHCLG…


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