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Search results for "carbon literacy"

Including the closely related terms carbon world, and carbon world.

1 result

Ribble Valley Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Council’s Carbon Footprint - emissions from our own operations 10 Figure 7: One Carbon World – sources of CO2e by emission activity 10 Figure 8: One Carbon World – sources of CO2e by emission energy and fuel use 11 Figure 9: One Carbon World – sources of CO2e by indirect emissions (scope 3) 11 RIBBLE VALLEY IN CONTEXT 12 Transport 12 Figure 10: Transport hierarchy 12 Figure 11: Car Ownership…

… mileage. According to the report from One Carbon World the Council’s carbon footprint for 2019-2020 was 5,655.06 tonnes CO2e (see full report). This was a more in depth calculation than that carried out in 2008. The total emissions from this assessment will be used as a baseline against which future performance can be measured. It will allow the Council to work towards continuous improvement…

… in order to reduce our carbon footprint and meet our Corporate Objective in the 2019-2023 Corporate Strategy - ‘to aspire to be a carbon neutral borough by 2030’. Analysis shows that by far the biggest contributors to the authority’s emissions is ‘Fuels’ and ‘WTT Fuels’1. Figure 7: One Carbon World – sources of CO2e by emission activity…

… 1 TTW (Tank-to-Wheel) describes the use of fuel in the vehicle and emissions during driving WTT (Well-to-Tank) describes the subrange of fuel supply – from production of the energy source (petrol, diesel, electricity, natural gas) to fuel supply (transport to the charging point or fuel pump). 11 Figure 8: One Carbon World – sources of CO2e by emission energy and fuel use Figure 9…

…: One Carbon World – sources of CO2e by indirect emissions (scope 3) 12 R I B B L E V A L L E Y I N C O N T E X T Ribble Valley is the largest district in Lancashire in terms of area, but the smallest in population - around 60,0572. It covers over 244 square miles, most of which are within the Forest of Bowland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Ribble Valley has three…


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