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Search results for "carbon literacy"

Including the closely related terms carbon development, and carbon saving.

1 result

Midlothian Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… for new development; investiagte the feasibility of Zero Carbon Development Zones; delivering the Shawfair low carbon community heating system and investigating options to develop heat networks across the County; accelerating development of the Midlothian Active Travel network including cross-boundary connections for longer distance commuting and leisure routes; and accelerating organisational…

… aware and committed to working to support Scotland’s net zero carbon ambition by 2045 ( 2030 in Midlothian). and prioritises the following climate change specific actions: establish a Climate Emergency group in the Midlothian Community Planning Partnership; investigate a Sustainable Growth Agreement (SGA) between Midlothian Council and SEPA; investigate identifying tree coverage on community…

… included - Grid Electricity, Natural Gas and Gas Oil, water supply and treatment, Diesel and Petrol fuel; the Council consumed 17,815 kWh electricity generated from Gore Glen, Bilston and Roslin Primary Schools (9.149 kWh, 5.080 kWh and 3.586 kWh respectively); the Council identified fourteen carbon savings projects in the reporting year including three leisure centres, nine primary schools, one…

… sheltered housing scheme and one resource centre; and the total carbon savings from energy efficiency projects identified in the report year was 407tCO2e - 328tCO2e from electricity (12 energy efficiency projects) and 29tCO2e from Natural Gas sources (2 boiler replacement and energy efficiency projects) 9Midlothian Council Climate Change Strategy - August 2020 Midlothian Council Climate Change…

… Strategy - August 2020 5. The Climate Change Strategy Vision To become an earth friendly Council, resource aware and committed to working in partnership with others to achieve our net zero carbon ambition by 2030 and ensure that our actions today assist future generations to create a resilient and more sustainable future in Midlothian. Objectives Objectives To make the Council's activities…


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