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Search results for "carbon literacy"

Including 4 closely related terms such as become carbon, literacy training, and carbon literate.

1 result

London Borough of Wandsworth

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… to be incorporated. The Scope 3 emissions work detailed in paragraph 39 will allow measurement of Scope 3 emissions and then plan in detail how and when these emissions will be reduced. 56. Carbon Literacy training for staff will be launched, which will provide the knowledge that staff need on what climate change is and how to take action to reduce carbon emissions. This training has been developed…

… in-house and will be scalable as more and more people become Carbon Literate in the Wandsworth Environment and Sustainability Strategy (WESS) Action Plan Update Page 13 of 19 (Paper No. 21-61) Official organisation. Staff involved in the development of the training are Carbon Literate and have been trained in how to deliver climate-based training online and in-person. There has been…

… engagement with The Carbon Literacy Project, who first developed this approach, and they are enthused by the innovative approach to Carbon Literacy training. A staff Climate Change network will be launched, which will encourage sustainable choices among staff and run a live staff event on Climate Change. 57. Key IT infrastructure will be moved to the cloud to reduce associated carbon emissions…

… the Strategy, Wandsworth will improve the overall sustainability of the Borough, improve the health and wellbeing of residents, as well as reducing future costs. 7. The WESS highlights the approach to becoming carbon neutral as an organisation, balancing the carbon emissions made with ‘offsetting’ activities such as planting trees and new technologies such as carbon capture. This will result…

… annually on progress and produce an annual action plan. This commitment means that residents are able to see the actions that have been delivered and are clear on next steps to becoming carbon neutral by 2030. In July 2020 an update paper was taken to the former Finance and Corporate Resources OSC which highlighted what had been delivered in the first 5 months of 2020 in relation to climate change…


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