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Search results for "carbon literacy"

Including the closely related terms become carbon, become carbon, and carbon saving.

1 result

Winchester City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… PLAN This Action Plan will focus on how the council aims to achieve carbon neutrality and; • Actions it will take to reduce/eliminate or offset its own carbon emissions. • Actions it can take to support and help others; individuals, businesses, agencies and organisations, to take action so that the district becomes carbon neutral. • Actions that promote climate resilience including…

…, 2 and 3 GHG Protocol. Indirect emissions result from the council’s upstream and downstream activities. These are typically from outsourced/contract manufacturing, and products and services offered by the council. Indirect emissions correspond to scope 3 GHG Protocol (excluding employee business which is included in reporting council direct emissions). To measure progress to become carbon

… to date Local Plan with positive policies which promote low carbon development and transport while protecting our heritage and natural environment, including policies designed to secure that development and the use of land contribute to the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change; • Take a lead with partners and residents to deliver the Carbon Neutrality Action Plan throughout…

… • Be innovative in seeking funding to deliver capital investments 15 PLACE CARBON NEUTRALITY AT THE OF ALL THE COUNCIL DOES RESOURCES The council commits to spending £1M to improve housing stock energy efficiency and to allocate budget for carbon saving technologies and staffing. In addition, £750,000 funded by prudential borrowing has been set aside in the capital programme over three…

…. Therefore campaigns and collaboration form an integral part of the delivery approach and the council will: • Organise public Open Forums and an annual Climate Emergency Conference to bring people together to review progress and help shape future activity; • Support campaigns and initiatives across the district that deliver carbon saving and increase sustainability such as Car Free Day, Winchester…


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