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Search results for "carbon literacy"

Including the closely related term carbon saving.

1 result

Slough Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… the potential to deliver the greatest carbon savings. Carbon management plan April 2020 - March 2030 3 Table 1: Slough Borough Council carbon footprint by GHG emissions source 2018/19 Scope Greenhouse Gas Emission (GHG)Source GHG Emissions tCO2e % Scope 13 Gas consumption 2786.2…

… management. A corporate approach can help raise staff awareness of the most efficient use of energy in buildings and allows facilities management to monitor energy use across the entire asset base. Taking this model further could realise additional carbon savings and any opportunities which can be identified to further centralise facilities management should be explored. We will also use the ongoing asset…

… Panel on Climate Change report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre- industrial levels.8 Originated in Australia, the movement spread to the UK in November 2018 when Bristol City Council became the first UK local authority to declare a Climate Emergency. Since then, over half of the UK’s principal authorities have declared Climate Emergencies and set targets to become

carbon neutral. 2.4.4 Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Local authorities in England have been requested by Government to measure and report their GHG emissions from their own estate and operations. As a result SBC is required to calculate its Carbon Emissions on an annual basis and submit this to BEIS in accordance with government advice.9 2.4.5 The CRC Energy…


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