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Search results for "carbon literacy"

Including 4 closely related terms such as become carbon, literacy training, and become carbon.

1 result

Manchester City Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… ward plans including Northenden and Didsbury West. Ensure that everyone in the council receives carbon literacy training by the end of 2020. Make attendance easier by varying times and length of sessions. The Council’s HROD team have developed a plan for the roll out of Carbon Literacy training. This will take a tiered approach with a universal e-learning module, targeted 1 day training…

… course, and additional specialist occupational/ professional training as required. Approximately 700 staff have received the 1 day Carbon Literacy training including all members of SMT and over half of elected members. Training was previously delivered by Manchester Metropolitan University and now 6 Council staff have been trained to deliver the training and more are being recruited…

… of the city to ensure that everyone plays their full part is essential for the net zero carbon ambition to be realised. A number of key partners from the city’s arts and culture, faith, health, property, higher education and housing sectors are now developing action plans to set out how they will become zero carbon. The Council’s own existing Climate Change Action Plan 2016-20 set out the actions…

… Commitment, March 2019 1.0 Introduction 1.1 This paper summarises the action taking place at a citywide level to implement the city’s zero carbon ambitions, alongside the approach that is being taken to develop and deliver the Council’s new 5 year Climate Change Action Plan. The plan will include the actions required to support the Council and the city to reach the first milestones…

… a transparent and open review. Become carbon neutral by the earliest possible date.  Work with the Tyndall Centre to review the actual emissions from aviation. Investigate the best way to include aviation in our overall carbon reduction programme in the long term.  Explore the possibility of introducing a 2030 target in line with the IPCC report; and request that a report on its viability…


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