Including the closely related term carbon future.
…, such as domestic energy and road transport, need to decarbonise as soon as possible as these reduction targets are more achievable now with known technology responses. The graph also shows that emissions from road transport is increasing at this time. (Source: ARUP’s Climate Action Haringey: Towards a Zero-Carbon Future Final Report, November 2019) Under the Haringey Climate Change Action Plan…
… Climate Change Action Plan is informed by the recommendations set out by Arup’s Technical reports which are published on the Council’s web pages. This work was initiated with the ambition of becoming a zero-carbon borough by 2050. This work has been reviewed in light of the Climate Emergency and was concluded with the ‘Climate Action Haringey: Towards a Zero-Carbon Future’ Final Report, which…
… requirements. This is by far the biggest sector we need to target if we are to deliver our borough Net Zero Carbon ambition. New homes are an opportunity for the adoption of best practice and can minimise emissions easily as they are often built to a high standard. The bigger challenge, technically and financially, is the ability to reduce emissions within the existing building housing stock…