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Search results for "carbon literacy"

Including the closely related term carbon saving.

1 result

Carmarthenshire County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to deliver carbon savings 6. Collaborate with experts from the private sector and 3rd sectors to develop innovative solutions to becoming net zero carbon.” 1. BACKGROUND 2. NOTICE OF MOTION 3CARMARTHENSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL - NET ZERO CARBON PLAN _ 2020 3.1…

…, and as a consequence the Council is currently unable to directly benefit from carbon savings resulting from its procurement of ‘green’ electricity as this would effectively be double-counting the carbon savings). • To-date, the Council has invested over £2 million in some 200 energy efficiency projects financed under the interest-free Salix invest-to-save programme. This investment is projected to save over £7…

… million / 41,000 tCO2e over the lifetime of the installed technologies. This investment, coupled with the Council’s on-going property rationalisation, agile working and maintenance programmes, is producing financial and carbon savings in times of increasing utility prices. • The Council is currently participating in the Welsh Government supported Re:fit Cymru programme in order to identify energy…

… (Energy Efficiency) Phase 1 project to achieve energy/carbon savings Head of Property Apr 2021 NZC-02 Develop further phases of Re:fit Cymru (Energy Efficiency) project, or similar, to achieve accelerated energy / carbon savings Sustainable Development Manager On-going NZC-03 Incorporate the ‘Passivhaus’ standard, where appropriate, in new building construction projects Property Design…


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