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Search results for "carbon literacy"

Including the closely related terms carbon projects, carbon projects, and carbon saving.

1 result

Shropshire Council - Unitary

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… (\(NDIJobGUID=b736e5e0-ff8f-4ff4-a460-60345a10a78e\)Microsoft Word - CCS_media_short) Shropshire Council Towards Zero Carbon Low Carbon Projects Shropshire Council Carbon Footprint (Scope 1,2) 3 Achieving Net Zero 4 Carbon Saving and Achievements So Far… 5 Energy and Water Monitoring 5 Corporate Landlord Building…

… 2012. (scope 1,2) • Part of this improvement attributed to the transfer of assets such as schools and council housing; which are classed Scope 3 30,822 22,765 13,659 9,106 00 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 2012 2016 2020 2025 2030 (net zero) t. C O 2 e Forecast to Net Zero - Tonnes CO2e Carbon Saving and Achievements So Far… Energy and Water…

… £7,588 LED lighting & controls £1,442 4 £152,321 £28,347 76 Total Projected Annual Savings This top-level benchmark calculation depends on the scope of works commissioned: Anticipated Total Annual Savings (Phase 1 and 2): Saving (£) Carbon Savings All Buildings £105,652 p.a. 261t CO2e p.a. Payback Period = Total Investment / Annual Savings = < 5 years (all projects…


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