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Search results for "carbon literacy"

Including the closely related term carbon saving.

1 result

Orkney Islands Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… and increases in estate size must be accommodated within the carbon savings achieved in other areas. Page 7 1736 Orkney Islands Council Carbon Management Programme 2016-2026 The Council has undertaken a large social rented housing development programme since 2010. This programme has produced housing stock that is very energy efficient and aimed at reducing tenant’s energy bills…

… an overabundance in locally generated electricity, the Council will also consider electrifying its estate and where possible its transport. The Council will focus on specific projects that have been assessed to identify the anticipated carbon saving (See Section 5). The CMP will be a five year rolling programme which will be aligned to the Council’s budgeting processes. It is accepted that on such a long…

… timescale, changes will take place that will alter the priorities of some projects. A regular annual review of the programme will be required to identify progress and re-establish the project list to ensure the final target savings are achieved. 3.4 Programme The programme to deliver the Carbon Savings required to meet the vision will be to: • Examine energy use within specific sectors…

… sources will be commercially available within the required timescale the options for carbon saving on propulsion systems remains limited. For the reasons outlined above it is proposed to locally target, monitor and report the Harbour craft and Ferry fuel use but not to include the figures in external reporting. The Harbour craft and Ferries do use shore power when not at sea and this energy use…

… the number of kWh of heating oil displaced and as a result the net effect is a carbon saving. 4.3 Cost and Carbon Emissions From the chart below we can see the relative cost of the fuel we consume as a council, the majority cost is electricity with 55% of the total cost, Heating oil accounts for a further 19% the cost of heating oil is relatively low at the moment, heating oil costs have…


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