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Search results for "carbon literacy"

Including the closely related terms carbon future, and carbon saving.

1 result

North Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… for the benefit of the borough. This 2023 Action Plan update retains its stakeholder’s core ambitions and vision, including a focus on the green skills agenda and the principles of a Just Transition towards a low carbon future. At the heart of this shared vision is an approach that not only positively addresses wider environmental challenges, but also has clear co-benefits for other key…

… Vehicles to deliver new EV charging infrastructure and to replace legacy charging infrastructure 2,333 properties in the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan (carbon saving of 287 tonnes) Continued to update the authority’s “Climate Hub” on the website which includes climate emergency information, press releases, key documents and grant information. Delivery of the Green Homes…

… and some part night switch-offs. These were also part of an intelligent management system allowing flexibility in the burning profiles and constant monitoring. The reduction in street lighting energy consumption from 2017/18 to 2022/23 is 27.5% and an extra benefit is the carbon savings from this transition which has reduced to 143 tonnes (2022/23) from 361 tonnes in 2017/18 (60%). More recently…

… on the principles of traditional ‘offsetting’, by shifting the focus of the carbon saving project from a value chain into the geographic boundary of a local authority. ABI applies relevant principles and learnings from offsetting, including the use of credits to raise finance. It also seeks to retain insetting’s potential to connect local stakeholders and generate mutual benefits. This project…

… to accelerate consumer behaviours and choices to the scale needed to match the pace of the authority’s action planning. For the purposes of equity and inclusion and a just transition to a low carbon future, the authority recognises that public change need not be expensive or reduce well-being, and also that changes could deliver huge co-benefits to health and other aspects. Communications…


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