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Search results for "carbon literacy"

Including the closely related terms literacy training, and carbon saving.

1 result

Leicester City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to be commissioned in May/June 2021/22. 2021/22: ACTION COMPLETE – Report now being used to plan the next phase of action and identify new ways to resource it. 1.02 Carbon Literacy training - decision makers Provide 'carbon literacy' training to key decision-makers in the council. Phase 1: 50 elected decision-makers and managers trained, strengthening the council's management and oversight of its…

… pack delivered, 5 schools declared climate emergency and 15 signed up to Let’s Go Zero. 2021/22: 10 schools have now declared a climate emergency and 20 have signed up to Let’s Go Zero. 1.09 Carbon Literacy training - schools Deliver a carbon literacy programme to schools in Leicester. Deliver training to at least 75 university student ambassadors, 60 school staff and governors…

savings 50 tonnes. 2022/23: Continuing to support families. Estimated carbon savings 50 tonnes. further 23 properties receiving upgrades during the year. 2.12 ADDED APRIL 2021 Green Homes Grants Deliver a programme of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures into domestic housing across multiple tenures, with funding from BEIS (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial…

… and off-street parking assessment carried out. Consultation work planned throughout 2021. 2021/22: Consultation carried out, with over 4,000 responses received, which are now being analysed. 3.23 Air Quality Package of air quality improvement measures to meet EU NO2 targets. (Package also expected to deliver carbon savings.) Interventions including 42 bus engine retrofits and package…

… Service Introduction of electric buses for this service. An estimated carbon saving of 84 tonnes CO2e per year initially. This figure is expected to increase as the carbon emissions from generating electricity for the national grid, used to charge the buses, continue to reduce year-on-year. 2021/22 – 2022/23 Transport Strategy 2021/22: Electric buses procured and charging…


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