Including 4 closely related terms such as become carbon, become carbon, and carbon future.
… 2019, Mid Suffolk District Council declared a climate emergency and committed to investigating ways to reduce its emissions and contribute toward the Suffolk- wide ambition to become carbon neutral by 2030. Shortly afterwards we declared a biodiversity emergency and made similar commitments to species and habitat conservation. This report is the first of its kind for Mid Suffolk…
… costs - public swimming pools are under pressure from rising energy costs, with a recent Sport England report finding that 40 per cent of public pools could be lost by the end of the decade. • power electric vehicle charging points and battery storage to help manage demand during peaks and troughs • Carbon savings expected from the installation are: o lifetime (25 years…
… surveyors are qualified to undertake EPCs. ➢ All new homes delivered for council housing in 2021 were built to an EPC rating of B. ➢ Our new homes ‘design guide and technical specification’ that incorporates carbon saving solutions will be launched alongside the 30-year Housing Business Plan in April 2022 and seeks to improve energy efficient standards further for all new homes built…
…. Page 16 of 23 CLIMATE CHANGE AND BIODIVERSITY ANNUAL REPORT Travel and Transport Electric vehicle charging ➢ As part of the drive towards our low carbon future, people need to feel confident…
… carbon study of Gateway 14 ➢ Gateway 14 is a tax site within one of only 8 Freeport designations across the UK and one of the priority actions from Freeport East is to become carbon neutral. http://c/Users/bayls/OneDrive%20-%20Suffolk%20County%20Council/My%20Documents/Service%20Improvement/3.%20Environment/Environment%20Strategy/Other%20BMSDC%20strategies…