Including 18 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and emissions.
… opportunities for Local Plan to reduce carbon emissions in new homes. Climate Change Risk Assessment Reviewing council owned built and land assets for vulnerability to impacts of climate change. Electric vehicle charging Investigating options for installing electric vehicle charging points in council owned car-parks. District carbon audit Review of district wide carbon emissions (2005 – 2017…
…). Council carbon audit Review of council carbon emissions 2018/19. Community Engagement Developing strategy to support community activity. Delivering free energy audit to all long-term industrial unit tenants, act as case studies for other local businesses. Launched climate change webpage on council website. Parish and Town council and community climate action day planned for March 2020…
… wide activity. The group shall assist in supporting the delivery of the Council CE Rapid Action Plan or any subsequent Cabinet approved plan/strategy. Key areas of work Climate Change, Carbon Emissions, Energy, Waste, Landscape, Biodiversity and Sustainability Membership The membership of the support group will include:- a) The Cabinet Portfolio Holder b) Each political…
… in activity to meet net zero carbon emissions by 2030. A ‘business as usual’ approach will not enable us to keep below 1.5°C global temperate rise. 3.2. In terms of considering emissions, carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas responsible for climate change. However, for ease of reporting, all greenhouse gas emissions are normally expressed as metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent…
… of 1.5°C, whereas virtually all (> 99 percent) would be lost with 2°C. Forest of Dean District Council adopted motion 6th December 2018 1. Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’; 2. Aim to make the Forest of Dean District Council and the district carbon neutral by 2030, taking into account both production and consumption emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3), 3. Call on the Government and other relevant…