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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 25 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and gas emissions.

1 result

Flintshire County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… total as a ‘carbon offset’. Therefore to meet our net zero carbon goal, the total carbon emitted by the Council, minus the total carbon absorbed from Council owned and operated land, must equal zero by 2030. In 2018/19 the balance of carbon emissions was 44,934 tCO2e. 6.10 The Council now has carbon emission data for three financial years as shown in Figure 2 below. The total carbon emissions

… on biodiversity. 9.2 To achieve our 60% emissions reduction in buildings by 2030 we will aim for 9% reduction each year to 2029/30. 9.3 Progress to date: - In 2009 the Council developed a carbon reduction strategy to reduce emissions from energy related carbon by 60% by 2021. This strategy saw the delivery of many effective and innovative projects across the county including: - Installation of low…

… Figure 5: Flintshire County Council Carbon Emission Milestones to 2030 15 Figure 6: GHG emissions for Flintshire county 2005 - 2018 Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy 23 Figure 7: Breakdown of GHG emissions by individual sources for the period 2014-2018. LULUCF stands for land use, land use change and forestry and is the difference between what is absorbed by the land…

… to infrastructures in energy, transport and industry. 1.2 The Council supports the declarations made by Welsh Government for the Public Sector to become carbon neutral by 20302, and in Dec 2019 the Cabinet Members approved a motion to develop a clear Climate Change strategy which will set key aims and actions for creating a carbon neutral organisation. 1.3 The Council was responsible for greenhouse gas

emissions of 46,434 tCO2e in 2018/2019 from the services it delivers, the buildings it operates and the goods/services it purchases. There are a number of actions the Council can take to reduce its organisational greenhouse gas emissions and this document sets out the Council’s first step goals and actions to become a net zero carbon organisation. 1.4 The theme objectives centre around buildings…


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