Including 15 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon emissions, and carbon emissions.
…/Climate_Action_Plan_for_councils_Sep_2021.pdf 7 3. Jargon-busting and achieving Carbon Net Zero 3.1 What is the Climate Emergency? There is a climate emergency because our climate is warming and changing faster than nature can adapt to it. Scientists have calculated that by the middle of this century, the world has to reduce emissions to as close to zero as possible so that the earth has a chance to recover and stabilise. We…
… increasing its own carbon emissions. Net-Zero emissions means not adding any greenhouse gases to the atmosphere through an organisation’s activities. Becoming net-zero starts with a plan to rapidly reduce GHG emissions to zero by a specified date. However, most organisations find that some emissions can’t be reduced to zero. These are expected to be small and are usually then offset by initiatives…
… of remaining emissions absorbed through natural carbon sinks like forests, and new technologies like carbon capture.”9 Carbon footprint is the calculated amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organisation, or community. Carbon offsetting is the action or process of compensating for the CO2 emissions arising from an organisation’s…
… greenhouse gases which trap heat in the earth’s atmosphere, causing the air and seas to heat up, which in turn changes the climate. The GHG produced when we burn these fuels contain a lot of carbon and so the term ‘carbon emissions’ is often used when talking about tackling the climate emergency. These emissions are rising at such a rate that our climate is changing much more rapidly than earth’s…
… into the atmosphere from an organisation’s activities is balanced by an equivalent amount being removed. Typically, this would be achieved by determining the organisation’s carbon footprint and deciding how best to counteract these emissions via renewable energy generation or carbon offsetting, and sometimes carbon emissions reductions. An organisation can demonstrate carbon neutrality, whilst still…