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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 23 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon emissions, and gas emissions.

1 result

Dorset Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… making tool and ensure integration with other assessment tools such as EqiA. Page | 13 Helping Dorset to become Carbon Neutral by 2050 A significant amount of work is being undertaken to support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions across Dorset, as well as strengthening the focus on protecting and enhancing the natural environment. However, further opportunities…

… 2-3 years and beyond. The CEES is a long-term strategy which sets out 41 objectives under nine topic headings. It sets long and short-term carbon targets and identifies key areas where the council can both reduce its own carbon footprint and support the whole of Dorset to become carbon neutral. Over 190 detailed actions have been identified, to be delivered by services across…

… landscape. Two key long-term targets were identified: ▪ Making Dorset Council carbon neutral by 2040 (operational) Carbon emissions from our own operations only account for approximately 1.5% of Dorset’s wider footprint, but the council has direct control over these emissions, and it is critical that Dorset Council shows leadership in this area. This has therefore been a key focus of our…

… reported that we had reduced the council carbon emissions by 17%, an excellent step towards out interim target of 40% reduction by 2025. Work continues to gather pace and become more embedded in our activities, helping to reduce our travel, energy use in buildings, street lighting and the embedded carbon in our highway’s construction projects. In the past year a major area of focus has been…

… has been particularly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and other national issues and a programme of work to explore opportunities for carbon reduction in this area is still evolving. There is no update for this report in this area of our operational carbon emissions, but future reports will include further details. R e n e w a b le E n e rg y D o rs e t tr a v e l…


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