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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 24 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon emissions, and gas emissions.

1 result

South Oxfordshire District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… action. Annually, the council’s greenhouse gas emissions report will be reviewed to see the reduction in our overall carbon emissions, monitoring our progress to reach our carbon neutral target. It is important to note that this Plan is based on national policies and strategies at the time of writing. We hope that those policies and strategies will evolve over the course of this Plan to include…

… climate considerations in decision making, and providing training to staff to create behaviour change in our ways of working. While it will be difficult to measure the specific reductions in carbon emissions from each strategic action, overall reductions in the council’s carbon emissions will be seen over time in our annual carbon emission baseline report as a result of taking these actions…

… actions through an overall reduction in carbon emissions in our annual carbon emissions baseline report. Climate Action Plan for South Oxfordshire District Council 2022-2024 5 Strategic Approach This plan focuses on how we will reduce

carbon emissions from our own operations to make us a carbon neutral council. Our approach to this work is guided by our data and five principles, outlined below. Our Data Looking at our council carbon emission data from our baseline year 2019/20, almost half of our emissions come from our three leisure centres, while over a third of our carbon emissions comes from our waste collection services…

… Head of Planning Cabinet Member for Planning Produce an options paper for pool electric vehicles for use by council staff to reduce emissions from business mileage, implementing if approved WOW17 Narrative Narrative update on the development of business case for piloting pool electric vehicles, including on the carbon emission savings and decision making progress strategic Head of Policy…


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