Including 15 closely related terms such as emissions, emission levels, and achieve carbon.
… to monitor progress towards carbon neutrality in 2030 An agreed Carbon Management System has been established Short term Short term WBC Env Delivery Complete Medium Foreword: Conduct council carbon audit 6.2.2 Managing our own carbon budget: In managing our own carbon budget we will: Define the types of emissions that should…
… be included; Understand these emissions by our operations Provide greater certainty on how emission levels will change in a business as usual scenario; and Develop a series of options and actions for delivery of a carbon neutral Council by 2030 CN004 Deliver the actions as identified within the Council's ULEV Strategy, to include: Installation of Electric Vehicle Charge points…
… and support functions in relation to use of buildings and reducing carbon. 6.1.2 Buildings: All Council new build or refurbishment projects will take into consideration their carbon impacts 6.1.2 Buildings: Explore ways to make retrofitting insulation and energy efficient heating systems more economically viable CN008 Liaising with key stakeholders, undertake to complete a Local Area…
… West Berkshire's Environment Strategy Delivery Plan This plan sets out the activities and actions that the Council along with its partners will undertake to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. Each Strategic Objective has a list of actions and timescales that fit with each one. Please note that this document is 'live…
… Timescale Responsibility Comment / Progress Predicted Carbon Saving Impact Links to the Environment Strategy: Statements of Commitment Start Complete CN001 Undertake an assessment of West Berkshire Council's current assets and building portfolio in order to establish the opportunity and technical requirements / constraints for installing renewable energy technology…