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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 25 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and gas emissions.

1 result

Tandridge District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… (walking and cycling).  Create an innovative policy environment, supported by adequate funding, that encourages the uptake of zero emission vehicles amongst partners and residents for journeys that cannot be made on foot, by bicycle or public transport. 1. Organisational EmissionsUse net zero carbon energy across our Council-owned buildings, and over the longer term look…

… to transition to net-zero carbon buildings. We will also reduce our organisational waste to a minimum.  All council-owned vehicles to be zero carbon by 2030 or sooner.  Utilise our influence across our supply chain, through procurement practices, to drive significant carbon emission reductions in the operations of our suppliers and partners.  Enable Council staff and Councillors to support…

… April 2021 – March 20301 Action Priorities 1 – High Red action (following scoping) anticipated to substantially reduce carbon emissions 2 – Medium Amber action (following scoping) anticipated to moderately reduce carbon emissions 3 – Low Green action (following scoping) anticipated to result in minor reduction in carbon emissions Mitigation action anticipated to help adapt to future…

… impacts of climate change Offsetting action anticipated to help offset carbon emissions Please note: ‘Completed by’ timescales are initial estimates. Category 1: Reducing emissions from the Council’s estate and operations Initial Action Strategic Priority Change Outcome Action Priority Completed by Produce Council greenhouse gas emissions report to ensure we are effectively measuring…

…. Mitigation Mar 2022 Category 2: How the Council can influence and encourage residents and businesses to reduce their emissions Actions Strategic Priority Change Outcome Action Priority Completed by Scope feasibility of installing Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in the District Transport & Air Quality - Reduce carbon emissions in District. - Improve District's air…


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