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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 24 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon emissions, and overall emissions.

1 result

South Derbyshire District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… is to understand the baseline carbon impact of the Council’s activities. This requires the development of a clear, consistent and repeatable method of calculating the Council’s carbon equivalent emissions (CO2e). The Greenhouse Gas Protocol describe carbon emissions as falling within three classifications. Document Ref: STEMS-07-ST2 Rev:02 Date: March 2021 Page | 8 | Scope 1 - All…

… BEIS, who collate and estimate UK local authority and region carbon dioxide emissions – 2018 baseline at 695,100 tCO2e. Fine the break down below: Document Ref: STEMS-07-ST2 Rev:02 Date: March 2021 Page | 10 | The Carbon Budget for South Derbyshire Carbon ‘budgets’ have also been produced of the total area emissions for each…

… to determine its carbon equivalent emission. Nevertheless, the Tyndall carbon budget does include a broad range of data across all emissions sources, with the notable exceptions of aviation, shipping, military transport and lifestyle emissions. Due to the proximity of East Midlands airport and the impact of lifestyle choices affecting emissions across district boundaries, aviation and lifestyle…

Overall Emissions Across Businesses and Communities in South Derbyshire ............................... 9 Approaching carbon reduction ...................................................................................................... 11 Climate change and socio-economic inequalities ......................................................................... 12 Response to the Environment…

… gain in biodiversity by a minimum of 10% compared to sites predevelopment baseline. • Reduce South Derbyshire District Council carbon emissions. • Percentage of new homes to meet water efficiency targets as set out in the Part G optional standard of 110 litres of potable water usage per person per day. What are Carbon Emissions? The first step in setting meaningful targets…


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