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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 19 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon emissions, and gas emissions.

1 result

North Ayrshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… of a sustainable North Ayrshire. WHAT HAVE WE ACHIEVED SO FAR? Since our first Carbon Management Plan in 2005, North Ayrshire Council has been proactive in reducing carbon emissions. Our first Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy (ESCCS) was published in 2014 and updated in 2017, setting an area wide target to reduce carbon emissions by 40% by 2030 (based on a 2005 baseline year…

emissions by sector NORTH AYRSHIRE COUNCIL ESTATE EMISSIONS We are proactive in our approach to reducing carbon emissions from our own estate and have been doing so since the first Carbon Management Plan in 2005/06. We continue to calculate emissions associated with energy usage, water, waste and transport, aiming to drive down the environmental impact of our services. Figure 5. Shows…

…: - Water vapour (H2O) - Carbon dioxide (CO2) - Methane (CH4) - Nitrous oxide (N2O) - Fluorinated gases (F-gases) UK’s biggest GHG emission sectors are transport (28%), energy supply (23%), business (18%) and residential (15%) (2018 UK greenhouse gas emissions: final figures; July 2020, BEIS). The latest report from Scottish Government indicates 73% of Scotland's net greenhouse gas

… to 1.5°C. The Council declared a Climate Emergency on 11th June 2019 and consequently committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2030. In order to accomplish this, we must make a real shift in operational culture and social behaviours, lead the way in reducing emissions from buildings, transport and waste, whilst increasing the use of renewable technology and implementing methods…

…) Act 2019 September 2019: the Scottish Government has set itself a legally binding target to cut greenhouse gas Public Bodies’ Climate Change Duties: The 2009 Climate Change Act set out the Duties of Public Bodies in relation to climate change: - to contribute to the delivery of the carbon emission reduction Building Regulations/ Building…


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