Including 17 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon emissions, and emissions.
… with an estimated 58% carbon emissions reduction anticipated on completion in 2023. Building energy use intensity will reduce 444 Wh/m2 per year to 260 Wh/m2 per year or, using benchmarking data, from 0.667kg to 0.334kg of CO2 per customer. These numbers are particularly significant as the building area, occupancy and energy consumption will increase when completed. ü 1.10.1 HERTFORD THEATRE - Maximise…
… electricity COMPLETE - From 1st April 2021, when our energy accounts as part of CCS framework swap from British Gas (BG) to EDF, we will be placed on their Blue for Business tariff which used 100% low carbon energy. This exercise has gone partially beyond the original existing EDF contracts i.e. 19 rather than 4 contracts and includes the BG electricity contracts which are for smaller sites e.g. toilets…
… higher than target due to the required use of a generator as the permanent power became routed to the main building in the latter stage of the build. The main building is on a 'low carbon' energy tariff. As a whole, environmental performance ran at top marks (9/9) throughout. Excess carbon production will be offset by the carbon offset scheme used by the construction company. They have/will fund…
…. The Sustainability Team have been actively involved in its development. ü ü ü ü ü ü 1.12.2 Millstream to conduct EPC ratings for existing housing stock. All current EPCs for Millstream’s properties plus a list of energy efficiency works conducted to date are in the process of being collated. A possible "master action", to utilise Millstream to deliver carbon efficient development is under consideration. ü ü…
… Confirm Terms of Reference for Environmental Sustainability Corporate Group with a view to include wider sustainability issues beyond immediate carbon measures. COMPLETE - Beyond carbon accounting, this Action Plan now incorporates the following terms : - Waste/Recycling - Land use/agriculture/Biodiversity - Energy/water/resources - Housing and planning - Business and Economic Development…