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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 26 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and emission source.

1 result

Ceredigion County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

Emissions (tCO2e) 1,288 784 729 642 Improved -11.93% TOTAL EMISSIONS 15,820 8,726 8,143 7,648 Improved -51.66% The table above illustrates the breakdown on the Council’s operational carbon emissions. In 2019/20 buildings alone accounted for 4,918t/CO2, equivalent to 64.3% of operational emissions, with fleet vehicles contributing a further 1,762t/CO2, or 23%. These two emission sources

… society. It sets out 100 policies and proposals that directly reduce emissions and support the growth of the low-carbon economy across all areas of government, including:  increasing tree planting to, initially, at least 2,000 hectares per year and then doubling that to 4,000 hectares as rapidly as possible;  commissioning an independent feasibility study on carbon-capture use and storage…

…), as these are routinely recorded and calculated annually as part of the annual review of the Carbon Management Plan. There is a need to calculate and understand the carbon footprint of the Local Authority as a whole (to include Scope 3 emissions), which will be undertaken once the Welsh Government publish their reporting methodology, release of which has been delayed by COVID. The additional emission sources

… Assessment been completed? If, not, please state why Summary: In progress Long term: This Net Zero Action Plan will support the Council’s 2030 net zero carbon ambition Collaboration: The Council is already working in collaboration with a number of public bodies in relation to carbon reduction and delivery of emission reduction. Involvement: Climate Change and Carbon Management Group…

… is well established and attended by both Members and officers, this provides a good initial forum for stakeholder engagement, but scope for wider involvement following publication of this Plan Prevention: This Plan will support implementation of actions and measures to reduce carbon emissions that contribute to climate change Integration: Will help integrate and embed emission reduction


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