Including 20 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and emissions.
…, manufacturing, shops, street-lighting – everything! TAMES IDE IN CONTEXT THE REDUCT ION PATHWAY This fact is critical to our successful, collaborative approach to reducing carbon emissions across the borough. In percentage terms if we at TMBC reduced all corporate emissions completely, there would still be 98.6% of the Borough's total emissions left to eliminate. In 2018, BEIS published…
… – the Corporate Plan states specifically a desire to create; Modern infrastructure and a sustainable environment that works for all generations and future generations. 12 14 15 CONT INU ING OUR JOURNEY Tameside Council has worked hard to reduce emissions and improve the environment: • Recording a 43% reduction in borough wide carbon emissions between 2005 and 2019 • Installing LED street…
… 28 29 IN F L UENC ING OTHERS Tameside MBC’s energy and transport emissions combine to approximately 12,000 tonnes of CO2e per annum. Across the Borough, all activities, including domestic, leisure, education and business amount to approximately 833,000 tonnes of CO2 per annum. Even if the Authority achieved carbon neutrality, that would only remove a maximum of 1.5% of the Borough’s total…
… Latest Regional Carbon Emission Data GM & Tameside Carbon Reduction Priorities You Said, We Did Greenspace & Biodiversity 4 25 5 29 36 6 31 37 8 35 37 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 21 CO N T EN TS 4 5 EXE CUT IVE SUMMARY This Carbon Reduction and Environment Strategy 2021-2026 is the product of co-operation between departments within Tameside Council. Through public…
… needed is outside of the Council’s direct control. As a community - Tameside, its residents and businesses, hold the key to reducing 98% of the borough’s total carbon emissions. To prevent catastrophic global warming, we must collectively act to reduce the further input of CO2 into the atmosphere and champion new technologies and methods for doing so. Additionally we must act to protect…