Including 16 closely related terms such as gas emissions, emissions, and area emissions.
… the members of the Cambridgeshire Fens Panel and of civil society groups, who contributed so much to development of our thinking in relation to requirements for a just transition across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. 8 Executive Summary Greenhouse gas emissions in the Combined Authority region are high. In the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) area, emissions are almost…
… to climate change equally, either globally or locally, and not everyone has the same capacity to adapt and mitigate the e�ects at the individual, community and organisational level. 1 Emissions from peatlands are uncertain and will need further measures to be tackled, but add around 33% to CPCA area emissions. 2 CCC (2020), The Sixth Carbon Budget – The UK’s path to Net Zero. Cambridgeshire &…
… tra�c, for example on the A14, A1(M) and M11, but this is not enough to explain the relatively high level of trans- port emissions overall: 11 Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Independent Commission on Climate Executive Summary emissions from buildings are not particularly high relative to the UK, but remain a high share of total emissions. Energy use in our homes accounts for almost…
… of climate change, around 200 lives lost in �ooding in Germany, people drowned in their basements in New York, �ooding in London at the beginning and end of the summer and wild�res, �oods and droughts across many parts of the world. The climate is changing and already impacting how we live our lives. Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions to zero globally by around mid-century will be critical…
… of the risks to the UK from climate change are particularly acute in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough: the risk of �ooding, very high summer temperatures, water shortages, and damage to the natural carbon stores in the deep peat of the Fens. We all need to act, and we must act now, to avoid the most damaging aspects of climate change. If we act in the right way we can also deliver bene�ts…