Including 18 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon emissions, and direct carbon emissions.
… emissions are offset, this demonstrates the unique opportunity that our urban/rural setting here in East Ayrshire provides to implement community based initiatives to offset our carbon emissions. The Council’s carbon emissions represent around 7% of East Ayrshire’s total emissions total. 15. In terms of the Council’s direct carbon emissions, good progress has been made against the 1990 baseline…
… Domestic Total Transport Total 16. This shows that our buildings and waste are the two largest sources of carbon, accounting for almost 90% of the Council’s carbon emissions, with transport accounting for our remaining emissions. If we are to meet the more ambitious target of the Council achieving net zero by 2030 then we need to substantially accelerate the pace of change, doubling our…
… Officer and Young People Working Group (MOWG) on Climate Change in developing the Climate Change Plan and agree to the proposed Climate Change Vision for East Ayrshire; ii) Agree to join the UK100 and endorse their Net Zero Local Leadership Pledge, which would commit the Council to the aim of reducing the council’s carbon emissions to Net Zero by 2030; and work with our residents and businesses…
… to bring our wider communities’ emissions in line with Net Zero as soon as possible (and by 2045 at the latest); iii) Approve the draft Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan, for engagement and consultation with young people, communities, partners and business; iv) Building on the Council’s existing internal carbon reporting requirements, investigate the best way to measure and report…
… on the wider East Ayrshire area’s carbon emissions by 2022; v) Agree to appoint an Elected Member spokesperson to lead on Climate Change; vi) Agree that all Committee Reports should now include a new section that outlines the impact of the proposals on our Net Zero ambitions; vii) Approve the proposals for engagement with our key community and business stakeholders on the draft Climate Change…