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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 22 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and carbon emissions.

1 result

Cardiff Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… is causing global warming and climate change as the gases absorb radiation. Understanding Carbon ‘Welsh Government Carbon Reporting looks at Emissions in 3 categories or “Scopes’ Scope 1- Direct Emissions are those that occur at source, for example by heating buildings or from the exhaust pipes of vehicles. Scope 2 - Indirect Emissions are mainly from from electricity used in our activities…

…) to develop a wide reaching public engagement and behaviour change Programme; Carbon Analysis Using the Welsh Government’s Carbon Reporting Framework as a guide we have now developed a very detailed baseline measurement and understanding of the Council’s Carbon Emissions. As well as calculating the emissions from our builldings, streetlighting and transport activities, this baseline includes…

… position, both of our own operational direct and caused emission, and also of the wider City as a whole. We have estimated that the total Carbon Emissions Footprint for 2019/20 Cardiff Council Activities including direct, indirect and “caused” emissions from buildings, operations, procurement and staff commute is: 184,904 tonnes CO2e per annum Our current known projects and policies, as set out…

… this urgently. For the City as a whole the total Carbon Emissions Footprint for the City boundary (BEIS 2019 data) is: 1,626,059 tonnes CO2e per annum The Council has some major infrastructure projects underway that impact on the city footprint and we estimate that these could remove around 22% of Cardiff’s baseline emissions by 2030. However, our analysis shows that we still have a long way to go. We…

… this pathway and meeting our target. We have established a 2019/20 baseline for Cardiff Council emissions based on the Welsh Government Net Zero Carbon Reporting guidance which covers direct emissions including buildings, fleet, waste in operations and land emissions and indirect including procurement and business travel. BEIS data has been used to evaluate the whole City’s emissions focusing…


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