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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 32 closely related terms such as more carbon emissions, carbon emission, and carbon emissions.

1 result

Sunderland City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… by 13% (see Figure 2, below). Figure 2 shows a more detailed breakdown of emissions in 2017. It demonstrates that: • Road transport accounts for virtually all the city’s carbon transport emissions; • Three times more carbon emissions arise from domestic gas as opposed to domestic electricity; • Industrial emissions account for 40% of total carbon emissions, while agriculture accounts…

… adding more than 0.2°C to that figure. This tells us that global action is needed now and efforts must be made to go faster and further in reducing emissions to keep us safe. This is the climate emergency. As a city Sunderland needs to act now to reduce direct and indirect carbon emissions. We need to prepare and adapt to deal with the projected impacts of climate change. This Low…

… for the city to make its ‘fair’ contribution towards the Paris Climate Change Agreement”. These are that Sunderland should: 1. Stay within a maximum cumulative carbon dioxide emissions budget of 8.2 million tonnes (MtCO2) for the period of 2020 to 2100; 2. Initiate an immediate programme of CO2 mitigation to deliver cuts in emissions averaging a minimum of -14.4% per year to deliver a Paris…

… budget would remain by 2040. This remaining budget could either be offset 3 The Setting City Area Targets and Trajectories for Emissions Reduction (SCATTER) tool, commissioned by Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), has developed a methodology for Local Authorities to set carbon emissions targets that are consistent with United Nations Paris Climate Agreement. Sunderland…

…: “Climate change remains the challenge of our generation. Sunderland is committed to playing its part in tackling the global climate change emergency. As a city, we recognise that we need to act now to reduce direct and indirect carbon emissions. We need to prepare and adapt to deal with the projected impacts of climate change. This Low Carbon Framework sets out the vision and purpose…


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