Including 25 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and domestic carbon emissions.
… “well below 2°C and pursuing 1.5°C global temperature rise”. Based on their assessment, they recommend that the borough of Ton- bridge and Malling stay within a maximum cumulative carbon dioxide emissions budget of 6.4 million tonnes (MtCO2) between 2020 and 2100. Based on 2017 carbon dioxide emissions, Tonbridge and Malling would use the entire budget by 2027. Staying within the carbon budget…
… across all sectors. At Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council we will reduce emissions from energy consumption in all Council buildings, in house fleet transport and staff travel. We are committed to fully embed carbon management within all Council policies and procedures and ensure that climate change is a recognised commitment within the Corporate Strategy. We will raise carbon management…
… will only be possible if Tonbridge and Malling rapidly transition away from fossil fuel use. There will be signifi- cant challenges ahead, which we will need to confront in order to make a difference. Figure 1 below shows the total carbon emissions by sector for Tonbridge and Malling (BEIS, 2019). Lo ca l d at a 3 Figure 2 (above) shows…
…, we will also promote smarter driving and under- take an anti-idling campaign to eliminate emissions from idling engines. Working with Kent County Council and transport operators to provide an inte- grated transport system that promotes lower carbon and healthy transport choices within Tonbridge and Malling will also be instrumental in lowering carbon emissions from this sector. The Council…
… the majority is from space heating. To help reduce domestic carbon emissions we will promote retrofitting of insula- tion measures and efficient heating. We will also support the decarbonisation of energy supply through low carbon electricity for example photovoltaic panels and retrofitting of low carbon heating systems. For new build housing energy conser- vation requirements are dealt with under…