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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 22 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and gas emissions.

1 result

Staffordshire County Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

emissions - Reduce our overall carbon impact - Increase utilisation of renewable energy Air Quality Improve the health of individuals through improved air quality - Increase sustainable travel - Reduce travel by fossil fuel vehicles - Improve infrastructure for more sustainable travel Natural Environment - Flood prevention/mitigation - Adapt to climate change - Carbon sequestration Behaviour…

… (2005) and Hard Rain 2 (2007) and more recently Green Shoots in 2011, which contributed to substantial carbon emissions savings, through projects such as building energy effciency, LED street lighting and a substantial reduction in staff mileage.  Staffordshire County Council Climate Change Vision Staffordshire County Council will achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. In doing this we…

… internally we will: ■ Ensure our approach is based f irmly on facts and f igures, especially the annual carbon emissions reporting. ■ Prioritise where to focus our efforts on activities where we have the most effective control or influence. ■ Make sure all internal strategies and policies reflect our climate change vision ■ Ensure that our actions follow consultation and agreement…

… to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net- zero by 2050. This means that the country needs to remove as much carbon from the atmosphere as it emits. Following this, Staffordshire County Council members declared a Climate Change Emergency and made the commitment to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. An All-Member Working Group was established to develop a list of actions and a Cabinet…

… months between September 2019 – September 2020 the Council completed 70 formal flood investigations (an investigation being generally where 5 or more properties flooded internally). The previous f ive years no more than 5 investigations were required in this period. Each year the Council monitors its carbon emissions. Buildings, waste and transport are the highest emitters and reducing


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