Including 16 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and carbon emissions.
… 1.1.1 The Council’s Executive Management Team to oversee delivery of the Climate Emergency Action Plan with an annual update report to Mayor and Cabinet. 2020/21 £ Chief Executive 1.1.2 Publish an annual ‘Corporate Use of Resources’ statement setting out performance in relation to corporate carbon emissions, energy consumption, water, waste & recycling, paper use, staff travel…
… is to be carbon neutral in terms of our corporate emissions by 2030, with an interim target of reducing carbon emissions from our corporate buildings by 50% by 2025 against the 2017/18 baseline. 1.2.2 Set out a detailed programme, including milestones, for carbon management in the Council’s Strategic Asset Management Plan to 2025. Short term £ (total cost of delivery unknown) Director of Regeneration…
… Finance Officer 1.5.2 Review and update existing procurement and social value policies to strengthen the value placed on life-cycle assessment, support the circular economy and reduce carbon emissions across our supply chain. We will assess the introduction of requirements in our contracts for contractors to publicly report their corporate carbon emissions, and including CO2e emissions relating…
…:// 5 4. Secure 100% renewable energy for London’s public sector now and in the future; 5. Reduce consumption emissions by two thirds, focusing on food, clothing, electronics and aviation; 6. Develop London’s low carbon sector and green…
… on the definition of carbon neutral by 2030. The table below summarises the reductions achieved through the modelling of carbon emissions in the scenarios. Scenario Emission reduction from Baseline 2030/31 Borough wide Lewisham Council tCO2 % reduction Remaining emissions (tCO2) Cost of carbon offset (£M) Remaining emissions (tCO2) Cost of carbon offset (£M) Core Actions…