Including 26 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and gas emissions.
…, the first truly global effort to reduce carbon emissions, which aims to rap- idly cut greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide, to keep global warming below 2oC. In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published a report which suggested that we could limit global warming to 1.5°C, and that the previous target of 2°C would have catastrophic impacts to health…
…. Climate change The long-term change of climate typically measured over decades or longer. This is different to weather, which is short-timescale variations. Carbon Offsetting Practices and technologies to neutralise remaining emissions that cannot be stopped entirely at source. Mitigation Preventing climate change from getting worse by reducing our carbon dioxide emissions. EAP Executive…
…- rent and future climate change as an integral part of our overall ap- proach. Throughout this strategy, we highlight many of these issues and key areas of action that are required to adapt to climate change. Our approach to achieving carbon neutrality must also be integrated within wider sustainability goals. Many of the actions required to tackle carbon emissions will have wider co-benefits…
…, transport accounts for 31% of all emissions, with Business accounting for 27% and Residential for 22%. Agriculture, Waste Management, Exports and Other make up the re- mainder. County Wide Carbon Emissions Emissions in Dorset follow a similar pattern to those of the UK, drop- ping from 2,500 ktCO2e in 2005 to 1,725 ktCO2e by 2017 (the most recent national data). By sector, the emissions…
… contributing to a decarbonisation of the national grid. In contrast, emissions from transport have only marginally decreased. Despite large gains in vehicle efficiency and clean technology, these gains have been offset by the increase in road traffic. Emissions from agriculture in Dorset have also remained steady but the carbon sequestration effect of land use changes has grown effec- tively…