Including 19 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and carbon emissions.
… the last six years, so although energy use in kWh has decreased by nearly 50% since 2008/9, spend on energy has remained relatively stable. Carbon emissions reduction over the last 10 years has mainly been achieved through reductions across the building and street lighting estate. Reduction in building energy use has accounted for nearly three quarters of the total emissions reduction, whilst…
… street lighting changes are credited with 20% of the total emissions savings, as illustrated in Figures 3.2 & 3.3 below. Figure 3.2: breakdown of RBC emissions reduction achieved over the last decade Figure 3.3: change in RBC emissions by source since 2008/09 Building elec 55%Building gas 19% Building oil <1% Buildingfugitive -1% street lighting 20% Fleet diesel 3% Fleet…
… of becoming a net zero organisation by 2030. The Carbon Plan 2020-25 will work towards four headline targets as follows - by 2025 we will: • Reduce the organisation’s carbon emissions by 85%, against a 2008/9 baseline1 • Generate equivalent to 50% of our energy from renewable sources by 20252 • Reduce our use of fossil fuels by 50%, against a 2008/09 baseline3 • Achieve a 5% p.a. reduction…
… on the actions set out in the Carbon Plan 2015-20 to achieve a carbon emission reduction target of 50% by 2020, against the 2008/9 baseline. Reading has a strong track record on carbon emissions reduction, being amongst the top ten boroughs in the Country for reductions since 2005, totalling 228kT CO2 or 52% of Reading’s total reductions. In the latest year for which data is available (2018/19), Reading…
… petrol <1 car club <1% business mileage 2% % of total reduction - 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 Carbon emissions per sector 2008/9 2015/16 2018/19 Classification: OFFICIAL Appendix 3: DRAFT RBC CORPORATE CARBON PLAN 2020-25 8 | P a g e Classification: OFFICIAL Areas where the most significant progress in reducing emissions has been…