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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 22 closely related terms such as carbon emissions, carbon emission, and emissions.

1 result

Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

management hierarchy of emission management will be implemented, as set out below. The Carbon Management Hierarchy directs our city to prioritise those actions which have the greatest impact by: • First, avoiding activities that are carbon-intensive and hence generate high emissions; then • Second, reducing carbon-intensive activities wherever possible; then • Third, substituting those energy…

… sources with a high carbon footprint for low carbon options; and finally • Fourth, compensating for those remaining emissions which cannot be avoided or reduced. WHAT DOES NET ZERO MEAN? CARBON MANAGEMENT HIERARCHY Net Zero (also referred to as 'carbon neutrality') refers to balancing city-wide carbon emissions with carbon reduction and removal activities. What do we mean by ‘balance’? Net…

… to Net Zero to stop temperatures increasing. Carbon Management Hierarchy INTRODUCTION: Page 12 INTRODUCTION: Page 13 SCOPE OF EMISSIONS The Global Protocol for Community-Scale GHG Emission Inventories (GPC) divides emissions into three categories or ‘scopes’ at a city level: • Scope 1 - Direct emissions Emissions from sources located within the Newcastle local authority boundary…

emissions . However, our emissions have rapidly rebounded as lockdown has been eased and the long-term emissions savings from the pandemic are expected to be minimal . The Cl imate Emergency is as real as it was before the pandemic and cl imate change remains the chal lenge of our generation. It is c lear from the scienti f ic evidence that the impacts of cl imate change are stark and accelerat…

… Con- vention (further information here). The Climate Emergency declaration: • Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’ • Update the 2010 Newcastle Declaration on Climate Change by pledging to make Newcastle upon Tyne carbon neutral by 2030, taking into account both production and consumption emissions • Call on the Government to provide powers and resources to make the 2030 target possible • Work…


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