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Search results for "carbon emissions"

Including 38 closely related terms such as carbon emission, carbon emissions, and gas emissions.

1 result

Shropshire Council - Unitary

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Action Partnership 9.1 The world-renowned Tyndall Centre for Climate Change in Manchester has recently a maximum cumulative carbon dioxide emissions budget of 17.2 million tonnes (MtCO2) for Shropshire for the period of 2020 to 2100. The latest carbon footprint calculations show that at 2017 CO2 emission levels, the county would use this entire budget by 2023. 9.2 In addition to efforts…

… a general invitation for comments and suggestions for amendment which can be taken into account as part of an annual monitoring and review process. More detailed background information available at: 2. Shropshire Council’s Carbon Performance The Greenhouse Gas Protocol 2.1. Greenhouse gas emissions are categorised into three groups…

… Corporate Climate Strategy 2020 8 February 2021 3 Figure 1: Sources of corporate carbon emissions 2.2. A value chain carbon footprint measures both direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions of an organisation. Emissions are categorised across an organisation’s value chain, including upstream and downstream activities. These include emissions from both suppliers and consumers…

… both locally and globally. Targets on emissions are not straightforward because the causes of emissions are not straightforward and there isn't yet a full understanding of the impacts that such targets would have on the economy and the health and wellbeing of our population. However, there is an urgent need to achieve significant emission reductions and the transition to a low carbon economy

… will also generate many economic, health & wellbeing, and environmental Shropshire Council Corporate Climate Strategy 2020 8 February 2021 8 benefits. Taking early action on what we can directly control is likely to prove a more effective approach than expending significant effort in planning and target setting. 3.2. Our current emissions reduction trajectory, for direct emissions


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